Thursday, 23 June 2016

What was wrong CW?

CW Stoneking

at Brudenell Social Club, Leeds

22nd June 2016

CW and band played to an appreciative audience, not quite so packed as last time I saw CW play here. Some old favourites went down well and the brilliant, sparkly new stuff did too. But I wasn't the only one to be slightly disappointed. Something was wrong or missing. What was it exactly? Nothing was out of tune, except when CW deliberately made it so. Was it the baritone sax clashing with the upright bass? Was it the backing vocals not loud enough, or lacking pizzaz? The slower songs went better I thought & that gives me a clue. The faster songs didn't really rock. Maybe all the rhythms were too square, lacking syncopation?

I am one of two people who went to this gig and also to CW doing a similar set in November 2014 in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. That band really did rock, the backing vocals very sharp. Maybe the long world tour to promote the excellent Gon' Boogaloo album is just getting CW tuckered out?

Support from CD something and the somethings (sorry guys!) was plucked from old time country, blues, folk, jug band and bluegrass repertoires, which fitted well with CW's original works which are influenced by such musics. Lineup of washboard, guitars, vocals, violin, double bass did a good job.

I still enjoyed the gig, as did the audience. But it could have been better.